Friday 4 March 2016

Ethnicity (Lesson)

Definition of Ethnicity: 

- social groups that share the same identity, history and cultural roots.

- oriental 
- hispanic 
- mixed race 
- white
- middle eastern 
- eastern european 
- european 
- black african 
- white african
- india 

White stereotypes: 

- rich
- superior
- family orientated 
- dominant 
- 'professionals' 
- privileged   

Eastern European stereotypes: 

- violent
- crime 
- abrupt 
- diversity 
- drugs and weapons 

Black (African and American): 

- cultural history 
- slaves- lower class 
- inferior 
- gangs 
- poverty 


- food for identity 
- doctors/ professionals
- hard working and high achieving  


- different ethnicities doing labour work  apart from white British.

- black african fitting a stereotype of a doctor.

- white British seen as the dominant figure- commanding other ethnic races around.

- at the eating area, ethnic groups are together and showing stereotypical behaviours- eastern european very loud and angry - black africans blessing their food with a prayer to God. 

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