What days to audiences go to the cinema?
Audiences go at the weekend as this is when they have the most free time available. This tends to be Friday and Saturday, but Sunday not as much. Although, Sundays are still bigger audience than some weekdays.
What are the most popular genres?
From 1995 to 2016 there has ben statistics about the most popular film genres. The most popular is Comedy with 21.94% share of the market. Not far behind is Adventure with at 21.86% share, then Action and Drama with 16/17%.
What was the top film in each of these genres?
Comedy- Home Alone/ 1990/ Gross $285,761, 243.
Adventure- Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring/ 2001/ $36,116,967.
Action- Die Hard/ 1988/ $81,350,242
Drama- The Shawshank Redemption/ $58 million
Adventure- Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring/ 2001/ $36,116,967.
Action- Die Hard/ 1988/ $81,350,242
Drama- The Shawshank Redemption/ $58 million
How do audiences hear about films?
A lot of films are advertised via billboards, bus posters and trailers. It is a very effective way of advertising as it is very hard to miss at least one of these methods.
Do audiences prefer US, UK or other nationality films?
I prefer US films because the Media production companies love the use of SFX which makes the film more exhilarating in my opinion. Also I love US actors like Leonardo Di Caprio who appears mostly in US films.
Do audiences like 3D films?
The demand for 3D films since the arrival has increasingly slow down as viewers have referred to it as 'off putting' and 'gives me headaches'.
What other ways to audiences watch film aside from the
You have film platforms like Netflix and LoveFilm that you pay monthly to watch the films they have to offer. You can now also buy or rent films off the internet, an example is Amazon Prime.
Who do audiences go to the cinema with?
Depending on the film, it is very varied. For audience are more likely to see a comedy with friends and a Drama film with partner.
When and where are most audiences likely to go to the
Most audiences go to the cinema Friday and Saturday as this is when people have the most free time. Audiences generally go to mainstream cinemas like Odeon and Cineworld.
Most audiences go to the cinema Friday and Saturday as this is when people have the most free time. Audiences generally go to mainstream cinemas like Odeon and Cineworld.
What do most of the box office successes from last year have in common?