Friday 4 March 2016

Hotel Babylon- Screengrabs

Camera: Medium Shot is to show the 2 Black African characters praying before their meal.  This also a stereotypical behavior of a religious believer.

Sound: The non-diegetic music is soft and calm suggesting they are free from the previous troubles during the day and that the characters feel safe in the environment. Although, the non-diegetic background sound is people talking nearby which suggests they are in a small room or find it hard to find peace and quiet.

Editing: The pace is quite slow in contrast to previous scenes in the clip, this could mean that because the immigrant police have gone that peace is finally restored.

Mise-en-scene: The two characters are in their work uniforms and appear to be lower/working class. They setting shows that they are not at home and a cafeteria like area. This could connote that they have a lack of income to afford a house or that other nationalities are discriminated against in the workplace because of their ethnicity.

Camera: The shot is called a master shot that shows all the characters in one shot. The mixture of races have fled to a small cupboard in fear of being taken or being kicked out the county.

Sound: The use of diegetic sound of the reactions of the characters is used to show how scared the characters are. Before this shot the sound is very high paced and load, then in this shot it is somewhat quiet showing the tension and the un-expectancy of what is going to happen next. In theory this represents they never know when they are going to be caught and taken by the government.

Editing: The editing is very fast-paced and switches between characters facial expressions in a way of showing their worried emotions. The fast-paced editing is a way of denoting that situations can change very quickly, in this situation they were doing their day-to-day jobs and now end up hiding in a cupboard,

Mise en scene: In this shot the use of uniform and its colors represent a lot about immigrants. The fact that in society they are stereotyped as lower-class workers is fulfilled in this shot by the chef, maid and cleaner uniforms. Also the colors represent their vulnerability in the way that they are only wearing dark red or a white. The dark red could connote they are in danger of being caught but the white could show they mean no harm and are peaceful.

Camera: The camera shot is an over the shoulder shot showing the women in white bossing the Asian lady around. The woman in white also has direct address as she is the main focus of the shot showing that although the Asian woman may have the most screen time, the 'superior' race of White British is the more powerful character.

Sound: There is no non- diegetic music which represents the emotions of the Asian lady due to the fact that one of her workers has been taken from her. Although, there is diegetic background sound of a phone call signalising that work has to carry on a normal despite the recent situation. This could connote that society feels less smithy for other races apart from White.

Editing: The editing is In this shot it clearly represents the different ethnicity between the two woman as one is centre of the shot and  is very outgoing with her blonde hair and bright white suit unlike the one on the right who fades into the background with a darker suit and dark brown hair.  This shows the strong difference between ethnicity and how the English women is allowed to stand out whereas the other lady is not.

Mise-en-scene: The blonde woman is wearing a smart white suit which tells the audience she has some sort of power in the workplace. This is effective as behind are some workers that are of lower class and shows the clear divide between the blonde hair women and them.

1 comment:

  1. E: C

    A: You make some great points Evan, and are beginning to use media terminology confidently.

    T: Two more screengrabs please!
    You pick out interesting details, but you do not push the analysis far enough - every single point must relate to the representation of ethnicity if you are to get the marks.
    Try to use all the detail you can when describing an example - eg: it's not just a mid shot; is it a two shot? How is it framed, etc? eg - it's not just a master shot; it's also a low angle shot. Why?
